Grant Writing and Project Planning

As part of our mission to serve as a collaborative and reliable resource for hormone assays services to the scientific community, the Emory National Primate Research Center Biomarkers Core provides free consultation services to internal and external investigators preparing grant applications, planning projects, and writing manuscripts. These consultation services include advice regarding biological sample collection and processing as well as the most appropriate assay choice for research aims, subjects, and budget.

Grant Writing

If you are interested in comparing methods of quantification for a grant application, we can provide expertise and guidance. We offer a variety of assays and can provide descriptions of methods for grant submissions.

Project Planning & Budgeting

Our experienced team of scientists can help choose the most cost-effective assay(s) for your research needs and budget. We can provide advice regarding the analysis of multiple sample batches derived from longitudinal studies, working with investigators to find the most cost-effective size and number of sample batches for their projects.